The (Not So) Exciting Stories Of My Adventures In The Japanese Countryside...

"If we are always arriving and departing, it is also true that we are eternally anchored. One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things." -Henry Miller

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Still Kickin'

I feel so sheepish. I've neglected you terribly, dear blogging friends. Its been a long time, hasn't it? I thought about you lots during our time apart, I swear it! I meant to call you. I meant to write to you. But things were so just busy in Ikata. Then, before I knew it, nearly a month passed by since our last contact. I know, I was selfish...thinking only of myself and my own needs. And your offline messages filled with concern make me feel even worse.

So, I sincerely apologize for being such a schmuck. Can we start over?

Here are some updates of what's happened since last time:

(1) Went to the Misaki Town Bunkasai where K, A, and I were forced to don (ugly) masks and dance provocatively and gyrate before a bunch of senior citizens. FYI this is not my idea of a good time.

(2) Triple A, K, and Rae went to Uchiko-za to see Kodo, the world-famous taiko group. What an amazing performance. This may have been the musical highlight of my year!

Ammended: The musical highlight of my year was the violin performance in my apartment by K's b-friend. Even better was getting an impromptu violin lesson myself. I am definately learning this instrument!

(3) Received the sexiest Japanese lesson of my life. Alas, now my two guiltiest pleasures (the second one being coffee) have strangely converged into one. Yeah, that sounds a little weird, doesn't it?

(4) Got tipsy at an enkai and told the you-know-who teacher that he is beautiful. Sake is baaaaaa-aaad!

(5) Delivered a (moderately) successful presentation at work. Lots of preparation. Otsukare yada yada.

(6) Rediscovered the joy of martial arts. You know how sometimes you hit a good run and everything seems to come together for you? I've found my groove. Unfortunately, I've got the bruises to prove it.

(7) I rocked the playground at Kucho shogakko last week. It was wonderful! What can I say, I am down with all the eight year olds. Was feeling pretty happy with myself until one eight year old told me I was the same age as her mom. Yikes - when did I become old enough to have an elementary school-aged kid?

Well, those are the highlights anyway. More to come soon!


  • At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good to know. I was wondering if you'd ever come back. =)


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