"Sick" Vocabulary
A few days ago the elementary school in my town temporarily shut down due to a terrible flu virus which incapacitated most of the upper grade students. Here at the junior high about 20% of the students have been out sick with this nasty bug. Thankfully, I've only shown minor cold symptoms thus far. So, here is some more illness-related kanji to help you survive the winter. I truly hope you DON'T have to use it!
咳 せき cough
風邪 かぜ (common) cold
病院 びょういん hospital
病人 びょうにん patient
病気 びょうき illness
I have a fever. Netsu ga aru.
咳 せき cough
風邪 かぜ (common) cold
病院 びょういん hospital
病人 びょうにん patient
病気 びょうき illness
I have a fever. Netsu ga aru.
At 2:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
you might want to remember KANJYA for "patient" as well.
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