The (Not So) Exciting Stories Of My Adventures In The Japanese Countryside...

"If we are always arriving and departing, it is also true that we are eternally anchored. One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things." -Henry Miller

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

3X Photo Miscellania

Self, I mean replica of the Scream - Ikata JHS Sousou Art Class

Pre-modern Stairmaster?

Dance Performance, Misaki Bunkasai


  • At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Angie, I had written a while back, but don't know if you received anything. Can you give me your email address again? Anyway, here is what I wrote. Angie,
    Hope all is well with you.

    Sasha loves to venture outside quite a bit in the summer & fall - she has never wandered too far from the food dish, so I am confident she will run back. she likes to terrorize the neighbor dogs!
    Wondered if you could answer some questions that I am not sure about....

    How old is she?
    Where did you get her from (remember which shelter?)
    Any major things that she had been treated for when you had her, or just routine check-ups?

    You are more than welcome to see her whenever you come back to town.

    Thanks, Dawn

    I also had some professional pics taken of Sasha - I'll send them to you once I get them uploaded.


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