The (Not So) Exciting Stories Of My Adventures In The Japanese Countryside...

"If we are always arriving and departing, it is also true that we are eternally anchored. One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things." -Henry Miller

Sunday, June 24, 2007

K, you're gonna hate this post

I kind of feel like this rabbit today. I do believe I have the same crazed look in my eyes.

A bit of unnecessary drama in town (related to my visa extension) combined with a long, last-minute drive to/from Matsuyama, way too much caffeine consumption and 1.5 hrs of sleep have done me in. I'm shot!

And to prove it, I just realized I've been walking around all morning with one contact inside-out. I thought things appeared a little fuzzy but I assumed it was exhaustion. Yes indeed, I am not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer today...

But I'm determined to make it through the day. To help, I've smuggled in outrageous loud music (Miyavi, of course!) which I'm trying (unsuccessfully?) to pass off as Japanese study cd's playing through my earphones and real coffee brought from home (thanks to Andy, not the usual crap).

There is also my sheer will-power and unwillingness to admit that, after last week's b-day, I am just getting older and can't keep up any more. Ugh, what a depressing thought.

Well, wish me luck!


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