Still freaking out, but your notes really help
D and J,
I love you guys, this is exactly the kind of perspective that I need. I guess I'm panicking because
(1)Obviously I have too much time on my hands to think about stuff
(2)Instead of pausing to review my thoughts I just keep posting them or blurting them out to others...but I attribute this to not having normal English conversation on a daily basis (I truly hope to be less of a social dip once I'm back home)
(3) This month I have to start writing a personal statement about my career goals in order to apply for school. I actually have to talk about things in agonizing detail (like, my specific research interests are ~, my short-term and long term career goals are ~, I want to work with ~ professor because of ~, etc)...can you say "pressure"?
(4) I'm really worried about money (that is, paying for school). Honestly, I tried poverty for a long time. Poverty sucks.
(5) Running out of time...5 or 6 months till application season. Turning 30 this summer. Can't get over mental obstacle that I can't afford to waste a year over indecision.
I really will try to let things come as they may. But that is soooo not the way I operate. I definately need your help, yoroshiko onegaishimasu!!!
I love you guys, this is exactly the kind of perspective that I need. I guess I'm panicking because
(1)Obviously I have too much time on my hands to think about stuff
(2)Instead of pausing to review my thoughts I just keep posting them or blurting them out to others...but I attribute this to not having normal English conversation on a daily basis (I truly hope to be less of a social dip once I'm back home)
(3) This month I have to start writing a personal statement about my career goals in order to apply for school. I actually have to talk about things in agonizing detail (like, my specific research interests are ~, my short-term and long term career goals are ~, I want to work with ~ professor because of ~, etc)...can you say "pressure"?
(4) I'm really worried about money (that is, paying for school). Honestly, I tried poverty for a long time. Poverty sucks.
(5) Running out of time...5 or 6 months till application season. Turning 30 this summer. Can't get over mental obstacle that I can't afford to waste a year over indecision.
I really will try to let things come as they may. But that is soooo not the way I operate. I definately need your help, yoroshiko onegaishimasu!!!
At 6:34 PM,
Full Metal Lunchbox said…
At 8:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Things will always look up as long as you take a breathe, focus on your goals and scream out loud hysterically when needed. As you know, I do this often and, as a married man, sometimes Katsumi and I collectively scream out loud hysterically just for sanity. Incidently, she and I are probably the loudest neighbors in all of Mitsukue. I'm surprised you haven't called to tell us that you can hear us from Ikata. LOL
Anyhow, I'm getting signed up for Grad school too, though it'll be a distance learning course out of Birmingham U. from the UK via a Hiroshima outlet. Talk about a lot of prepositions! I'm planning to go for a M.A. in TEFL since teaching English here has saturated my blood to the point of no return. I'm happy to continue this kind of career here for as long as I can and, at least, have a nice creditial once (IF) we return to America. JET has opened my eyes to "a whole new world" of possibilities (not to sound too Disney about it all). Who would have thunk this Native/Mexican/Spaniard would be in Japan? Who would have thought we'd be cohorts in the perpetuation of the English language learning? I got to tell you that together, we're shaping the Ikata peninsula into an international place. Remember how amazing your accomplishments are here and boast about them to on your Grad school app.
Peace and keep tuned for the next series of blessings. Peace. And I mean "peace"; impeach Bush now.
At 10:44 PM,
Angie said…
Thanks so much for the pep talk. And WOW! Best of luck to you w/the TEFL thing...thats so cool!
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