The (Not So) Exciting Stories Of My Adventures In The Japanese Countryside...

"If we are always arriving and departing, it is also true that we are eternally anchored. One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things." -Henry Miller

Friday, March 30, 2007

Day 8: Singapore

There is so much to say about this trip and not enough time to say it in. No seriously, it costs about one Singapore dollar for 15 minutes of internet. Sorry to be short, here are the highlights.

#1 Shopping in Singapore is unbelievable. I'm broke now. Or another way to look at it is I'm three dresses, one skirt, 8 scarves (omiyage), two pairs of shoes, 15 Thai wallets (omiyage), 7 Indian papier mache hand-painted eggs (omiyage), one Indonesian tapestry (omiyage), two glass bracelets (omiyage), three pairs of earrings (omiyage), one brooch (omiyage), and four boxes of instant Thai curry (omiyage) richer.

#2 Eating in Singapore is also unbelievable. And surprisingly cheap. Which is truly fortunate for me because see #1.

#3 Thailand was a hoot. Especially the first night in Chinatown. Be sure to ask me or Keri or Rae or Vania about the sea bass.

#4 After stealthly (perhaps illegally) sneaking into the street and accomplishing the impossible, I maintain my title as "taxi-goddess"!

#5 I'm still not sure if "dancing without a license" is actually against the law here.

More to come later!


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